April 2013

Lithuanian and Romanian guests in Poland, April 2013

Between April 15 and 19 our school was visited by 26 teachers and students from Lithuania and Romania. Most guests stayed with host families. It was an interesting and enriching experience for all.

There were a lot of meetings and excursions. The guests visited the school, where there were many artistic events. Each student had a Polish guardian, who assisted them in classes and during the breaks. Also, many of our students were willing to make friends with our guests.
The teachers and students from abroad visited many interesting places, like Muzeum Kopalni Zabytkowej Ignacy, and admired the panoramic view of Silesia from the water tower, our local tourist attraction.

Our visitors went on a trip to Cracow, where they saw the Wawel castle and heard the legend of the Wawel dragon. They also visited the crypt under the Wieża Srebrnych Dzwonów in the cathedral basilica of St. Staninislav and St. Vaclav to see the tomb of the president and his wife. On the market square, which made a huge impression on our guests, they visited St.Mary's Church and the Sukiennice. Finally, they went to the interactive Muzeum Podziemia Rynku. They liked Cracow very much and wish to go back there if they have a chance.

On Thursday, the guests went to Rudy. They heard the story of the Cisterican Abbey, they visited the church and some rooms in the museum. Then, they relaxed in the beatiful natural surroundings.
They were moved to hear of the great fire twenty years ago and saw the miraculuosly salvaged Magdalenka church. They also took a ride in the narrow-gauge railway. In the end, there were a bonfire in Nędza's forrest nursery.

One of the host students said:
'The guests lived with our families, took part in the lessons and trips. There was our whole class in the bonfire. We laughed and had fun while baking sausages. The Romanians taught us their regional dance, we played volleyball together, and boys played football. We really made friends. It was an amazing experience. We recommend everyone to take part in the Comenius projects".

International cooperation is a fantastic opportunity to get to know other nations and cultures as well as to practise communication skills, both in native tongues and English. Such event broadens horizons and encourages to visit other countries, especially our neighbours, like Lithuania and Romania. And in the age of facebook, it is a great chance to keep in touch with peers from abroad.